Favourite Czech Ice Creams

Favourite Czech Ice Creams

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  • Undoubtedly, summer is associated with ice cream – frozen delicacy. What do you think of when hearing: typical Czech ice cream – scooped, whipped, packed in cone or an ice-cream bar? Larger groups of people tend not to share the same view of the most delicious option and the tastiest flavour. Nevertheless, traditional tried and tested Czech ice creams are enjoyed both by children and adults.

    Ice Cream Bars Frozen in Time
    On a long-term basis, the most popular Czech frozen confection has been undoubtedly Míša. Indeed, this ice cream bar made of frozen cream cheese has been one of the most popular on the market – no wonder it has become a “living legend” among other Czech ice creams, being produced already since 1962. Though nowadays offered in a number of flavours, the most favourite one remains the one in orange-green-white packet. Other popular ice creams with the tradition dating back to the socialist period include Ledňáček or Eskymo, vanilla/coconut flavour ice creas covered in cocoa. Those who prefer fruit creams should opt for Mrož: the classic one is similar to Míša, the soft cheese cream replaced with strawberry cream.

    Whipped Tradition
    Made in special machines from liquid or dried ice cream mixture, whipped ice cream has recently seen its popularity renewed. One of the most common is ice cream from Opočno made in Bohemilk dairy, produced already since the 1960s. Similarly to the famous Míša, vanilla and cocoa mixture from Opočno bears “Klasa” quality label. Renowned fruit ice cream tasting real fruit is offered in Prague “Ovocný Světozor” chain – their traditional strawberry-banana flavour is a must try for everyone at least once in their lifetime.

    High Quality Ingredients – Precondition of Good Ice Cream
    How to recognize good ice cream? First of all, by its consistency and, obviously, by its taste. Your common sense will tell you which ice cream is of high quality and which is not: it should be of natural colour, look smooth and taste clear, its flavour indicating the ingredients used. When melted in mouth, it should not feel like eating grains of sand. Moreover, high-quality ice cream does not release water, i.e. it does not melt immediately. If information about its ingredients used is available, you can also estimate which flavour you might like. Ice creams containing pieces of nuts or fruits and made of cream, quark or yoghurt indicate high quality ice creams, while those replacing cream, milk or eggs with vegetable oil and not very healthy palm or coconut oil should be avoided, as well as ice creams covered with frost, resulting from unsuitable temperature regime, which must have made impact on its quality.


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