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Traditional Exhibition of Wines from Pálava Region in Pavlov

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  • Winemakers from Pavlov municipality invite everybody to traditional exhibition of local wines. Organized on Saturday 4 April 2015 in Pavlov Culture Centre, the event will feature wine tasting of about 550 wines from the region as well as from other parts of Moravia and from Slovakia and Austria. Moreover, visitors can also enjoy cimbalom music and possibly also take a walk around this historical winemakers’ village or go on a trip to Pálava Landscape Park.

    More information: http://www.otevrene-sklepy-pavlov.cz/aktuality/tradicni-vystava-palavskych-vin-v-pavlove-2015-45/


  • Pavlov Cultural Centre


  • 04/04/2015 - 04/04/2015


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