Czech Gardens Fruity Jewels with Slightly Sour Taste

Czech Gardens Fruity Jewels with Slightly Sour Taste

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  • Found rather frequently in Czech gardens, these fruit bushes are all rich in vitamins (mainly vitamin C) and can be grown really easily. Gooseberry fruit with its typical hairs as well as smaller racemes resembling currant can be enjoyable and healthy both when eaten fresh and in various pies, cakes, pastries as well as jams and juices, to say nothing about the delicious taste of currant wine. Bottled currant with suitable ingredients can replace cranberries, unimaginable part of the pearl of Czech cuisine – beef sirloin with cream sauce. Moreover, it is not only the fruit of these bushes that is good for health, but also dried gooseberry leaves or, in case of currant, also dried fruit, that can be used as healing infusion with anti-inflammatory and detoxification effects. While red, white or yellow-coloured currant fruits are all a bit sour, black currant is typical of its slightly tart taste. Compared to the varieties of other colours that cannot be preserved longer than until the following day, black currant is less fragile. Its peak harvest time is mid-August, so do not miss the chance and try this year’s yield of these slightly sour jewels!


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